支持 OAuth 2.0、OIDC 和 SAML 的 UI 优先集中式身份验证/单点登录 (SSO) 平台,与 Casbin RBAC 和 ABAC 权限管理集成
ZITADEL - Identity infrastructure, simplified for you.
Kanidm: A simple, secure, and fast identity management platform
Open-source dev tools for enterprise SSO. Ship SAML + SCIM support this afternoon.
MIT licensed Open Source Identity and Access Management implementing OAuth 2.0 and SCIMv2.
a third party module that extends keycloak by SCIM functionality
Using SCIM protocol as a gateway for user provisioning to other endpoints
1Password SCIM Bridge deployment examples
Building blocks for servers implementing Simple Cloud Identity Management v2
Official Node SDK for interacting with the WorkOS API
a scim implementation as described in RFC7643 and RFC7644
Keep your AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) groups and users in sync with your Google Workspace directory
Apache Directory - SCIMple
SCIM 2.0 Server implementation for Laravel
OpenId + Uma + Oauth 2.0 providers + SCIM2.0 + RFID reader (DEPRECATED)
Official Go SDK for interacting with the WorkOS API