Next-gen phpDoc parser with support for intersection types and generics
翻译 - 支持交集类型和泛型的下一代 phpDoc 解析器
Docker image that provides static analysis tools for PHP
Yii 2 apidoc extension.
Add scalar type hints and return types to existing PHP projects using PHPDoc annotations
[DISCONTINUED] Docblock annotations parser and common reflection classes
Doc Demo, Show you how to write a qualified note.Now Include PHP/Javascript(注释标签范例,助你能更好理解每个注释标签的作用,目前包含了PHP/Javascript
🏥 PHPDoctor: Check files, full directories or strings for missing or bad PHPDoc types.
🧱 Library for parsing and validating TypeLang syntax and converting it into AST nodes
Generate phpDoc for your Eloquent Models with ease
❤ Simple PHP Code Parser | A simple data structure from your PHP code.
PHP CodeSniffer sniff to enforce PHP7, PHP8 types and documentation of array variables
🎨 Template for generating your PHP API documentation in a pretty VuePress format
📖 Streamline your Laravel package development with automatic facade documentation using Docgen for Laravel.
Next-gen PHPDoc parser with support for intersection types and generics(TypeScript version)