Documentation Generator for PHP
翻译 - PHP文档生成器
🧱 Library for parsing and validating TypeLang syntax and converting it into AST nodes
🎨 Template for generating your PHP API documentation in a pretty VuePress format
📖 Streamline your Laravel package development with automatic facade documentation using Docgen for Laravel.
Generate Markdown documentation from PHP code
🐘 Yeoman ( generator for a PHP Composer project
vertx php support
The API client for working with your Flarum forum.
[DEPRECATED] phpDocumentor Support for Sublime Text 2
Simple PHPDOC document parser to create a json output.
Create PDF formatted documentation for your PHP projects
phpDocumentor custom-made template for code documentation publishing as GitHub Wiki
This is a Phing build file that I generally use to run static code analysis tools and phpunit in my composer projects.
[DEPRECATED] [READ-ONLY] Use → instead