#PHP 代码质量检查工具#PHP_CodeSniffer 是用于检测PHP代码是否符合规范的工具
A curated list of Coding Style Conventions and Standards.
PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.
Composer installer for PHP_CodeSniffer coding standards
翻译 - Composer installer for PHP_CodeSniffer coding standards
Mago is a toolchain for PHP that aims to provide a set of tools to help developers write better code.
A tool to automatically fix Twig Coding Standards issues
Add scalar type hints and return types to existing PHP projects using PHPDoc annotations
Naver JavaScript Coding Conventions rules for eslint
PHP_CodeSniffer rules (sniffs) to enforce WordPress theme review coding conventions
#Awesome#Collection of C and C++ Coding Standards
NaiveSystems Analyze is a static analysis tool for code security and compliance.
This repository contains CodeQL queries and libraries which support various Coding Standards.
Git hooks to encourage well-written WordPress.
✨ CLI command with sane defaults to simplify CodeSniffer and PHP-CS-Fixer
This repo represents the ideal starting point for new OOP Unity projects. It includes best practices for project structure and C# coding standards.
A set of useful (and documented!) git pre-commit hooks.
A coding standards for enterprise system