Godot/Unity3D System Design Architecture
翻译 - 您的第一个K.I.S.S Unity 3D框架。
Simple and powerful Unity3d game workflow! 简单、高效、高度工业化的商业级unity3d 工作流。
UTween is an interpolation animation component for Unity. You can quickly configure animations through built-in components or write animations through code.
UBind is a value binding component for Unity, which is used to quickly realize the association binding between UI and logical data.
Architecture-agnostic code and tools to make Unity based games.
#安全#USecurity is a security and anti-cheat component used in the Unity project.
Use Lua scripting language in Unity to accomplish hot update/fix functionality
MVC Pattern Framework for Unity3d GUI System (UGUI)
🥛 I do not like FRAMEWORK, so here are static functions for making games.
Simple U3D model to STL converter based on u3d-parser from Universal 3D Sample Software https://sourceforge.net/projects/u3d/
A lightweigth Unity3D message framework,support UI binging and message banding.
a 3d game, metaverse, polygon starter on u3d free market