Embeddable unity game engine view for Flutter. Advance demo here https://github.com/juicycleff/flutter-unity-arkit-demo
翻译 - Flutter的可嵌入的统一游戏引擎视图。在此处提前演示https://github.com/juicycleff/flutter-unity-arkit-demo
F8 Framework是一个优雅,轻量,符合直觉的基于Unity引擎的游戏框架,组件围绕F8一键启动,框架整体遵循以极少的使用成本开发游戏。
CosmosFramework is a medium-lightweight plug-in Unity development framework . Has a rich Unity method extensions and toolchain. async/await syntax support, multi-network channel support.Long term supp...
This repository contains an iOS project that integrated a Unity game.
A lightweigth Unity3D message framework,support UI binging and message banding.
Projects related to Microsoft signal R
U3D.DO,是一款模块化架构为方案的Unity 开发框架,自由组合需要使用的模块,系统,开发工具等,高效扩展性,依赖UPM接入
This repository is an iOS project that includes iOS and Unity communication.