Baritone 是Minecraft(我的世界) 探路者机器人,可用于自动行走、挖矿等操作。
CosmosFramework is a medium-lightweight plug-in Unity development framework . Has a rich Unity method extensions and toolchain. async/await syntax support, multi-network channel support.Long term supp...
Implementation of Near-Optimal Hierarchical Pathfinding (HPA*) algorithm in Unity, tested with maps from Dragon Age: Origins
Implementation of the D* lite algorithm in Python for "Improved Fast Replanning for Robot Navigation in Unknown Terrain"
A very simple A* implementation in C++ callable from Python for pathfinding on a two-dimensional grid.
A collection of useful Scripts, Scenes, Systems, and Templates for the Godot Game Engine.
Pathfinder and A* solver (astar or a-star) native extension for Defold Engine build on MicroPather.
3D A* Pathfinding that doesn't need baked navmeshes and can be used with dynamically created terrain (MapMagic or other)
#算法刷题#Visualize working of famous algorithms, Currently Implemented Path Finding (Dijkstra's, A Star, BFS, DFS) Sorting (Bubble, Insertion, Selection, Merge, Quick, Heap)
The Tektosyne Library for Java provides algorithms for computational geometry and graph-based pathfinding, along with supporting mathematical utilities and specialized collections.
Game and prototypes with SharpDX and Directx 11
Dungeon generation and navigation using constrained random walks and A* in Unity
python package for fast shortest path computation on 2D polygon or grid maps
#算法刷题#Source code for the articles on pathfinding and shortest path algorithms (Dijkstra, A*, Bellman-Ford, Floyd-Warshall).
Python programm showing A* path finding on quadtree representation of a 2D map.
Go implementation of A* from RedBlobGames
a path find for tilebase game in unity
🗺️ A JavaScript implementation of A* algorithm.
A*-based collision avoidance for UAV path planning
Short A* Pathfinding Tutorial project