#算法刷题#Polygon Clipping and Offsetting - C++, C# and Delphi
Martinez-Rueda polygon clipping algorithm, does boolean operation on polygons (multipolygons, polygons with holes etc): intersection, union, difference, xor
Boolean operations on polygons (union, intersection, difference, xor)
Cython wrapper for the C++ translation of the Angus Johnson's Clipper library (ver. 6.4.2)
#算法刷题#Greiner-Hormann polygon clipping algorithm. Does AND, OR, XOR. Plays nicely with Leaflet. Handles non-convex polygons and multiple clipping areas. ~3kb footprint, no dependencies
Rust implementation of the Martinez-Rueda Polygon Clipping Algorithm
Go library for Boolean operations on 2D polygons.
The Tektosyne Library for Java provides algorithms for computational geometry and graph-based pathfinding, along with supporting mathematical utilities and specialized collections.
#算法刷题#Mirrored implementations of polygon clipping/CSG/operations algorithm, in C (original, by Martínez et al) and ActionScript3 (port, by Mahir Iqbal)
A numpy geometry class and functions that work with arcpy and ESRI featureclasses. Includes Free Tools for ArcGIS Pro
Boolean operations on polygons (union, intersection, difference, xor) (this library is a port for flutter of polybooljs
Python Polygon Clipping and Offsetting based on Clipper2 Library
A Swift version of polygon clipper.
Java port of https://github.com/velipso/polybooljs. Boolean operations on polygons (union, intersection, difference, xor)
R package polyclip: a port of the Clipper library for polygon geometry
Martinez algorithm for polygon Boolean operations, PHP library.
Use c++ clipper to implement quadrilateral or polygon NMS.
This repo contains the code of the paper "RayJoin: Fast and Precise Spatial Join", ICS'24
Martinez algorithm for polygon Boolean operations
Simple python module for finding convex polygons intersection.