CSG is short for Constructive Solid Geometry, a modeling technique that allows a modeler to create a complex surface or object by using Boolean operators, such as union and intersection, to combine simpler objects.
Text above are from wikipedia.
#计算机科学#A resource repository for 3D machine learning
JSCAD is an open source set of modular, browser and command line tools for creating parametric 2D and 3D designs with JavaScript code. It provides a quick, precise and reproducible method for generati...
A math-inspired CAD program in haskell. CSG, bevels, and shells; 2D & 3D geometry; 2D gcode generation...
a language for making art using mathematics
翻译 - 一种使用数学制作艺术的语言
Light rendering in 2D
Realtime-CSG, CSG level editor for Unity
A flexible, memory compact, fast and dynamic CSG implementation on top of three-mesh-bvh
Port of the OpenCascade CAD library to JavaScript and WebAssembly via Emscripten.
CSG library for use with THREE.js
Work in progress prototype for the Chisel Level Editor, for Unity
Conversion of a CSG library for use with modern THREE.js
A library for detecting and resolving intersections between two surface meshes.
build BREP Solids with OpenCascade and NodeJS - 3D Modeling
Three.cad is a 3D modelling software built using Three.js, React, and Web Assembly. It features parametric sketching and constructive solid geometry (CSG) capabilities.
100x Faster Slicing of SCAD Files for 3D Printing
翻译 - 用于3D打印的SCAD文件的切片速度提高了100倍
Smash The Mesh (STM) is a Godot add-on that allows you to break 3D meshes into multiple pieces and apply physics to each fragment. It includes features for saving the results to disk (cache) for quick...
Java implementation of BSP based CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry)
A new boolean operations filter for VTK
Constructive Solid Geometry for three.js, ES6 + BufferGeometry
tiny_csg is a C++ library that generates meshes from brush-based level data and supports incremental updates (real-time CSG). It is intended to be used as a backend in 3d level editors and/or generato...