Oxidized is a network device configuration backup tool. It's a RANCID replacement!
翻译 - 氧化是网络设备配置备份工具。这是RANCID的替代品!
Implementation EfficientDet: Scalable and Efficient Object Detection in PyTorch
翻译 - 实施EfficientDet:PyTorch中的可扩展且高效的对象检测
Add custom NBT tags to Items/Tiles/Entities without NMS!
A Bukkit/Spigot API for the command UI introduced in Minecraft 1.13
NomNom is the most complete savegame editor for NMS but also shows additional information around the data you're about to change. You can also easily look up each item individually to examine its attr...
NetXMS - Open Source network and infrastructure monitoring and management
[CVPR 2021] Official PyTorch Code of GrooMeD-NMS: Grouped Mathematically Differentiable NMS for Monocular 3D Object Detection
Collection of CSV files with values of every procedural item in No Man's Sky.
All NMS versions of bukkit/spigot in one jar file. NMS from 1.8-1.17
A python script to send pmacct's output to ElasticSearch
A Kotlin library for reconciling multiple obfuscation mapping files from multiple versions of Minecraft: JE.
One-to-Few Label Assignment for End-to-End Dense Detection (CVPR2023)