Dynamic Parkour System is a FREE plugin for Unity that allows anyone to import any model and have an already working controller with parkour capabilities like in Assassin's Creed games.
翻译 - 动态跑酷系统是 Unity 的一个免费插件,它允许任何人导入任何模型并拥有一个已经可以运行的控制器,该控制器具有类似于刺客信条游戏的跑酷功能。
Lightweight client socket solution, you can used it in C# project or Unity3d
A Unity package, to procedurally orientate the character's head (and spine) in a direction without using any animation data.
UTween is an interpolation animation component for Unity. You can quickly configure animations through built-in components or write animations through code.
Unity Parallax based on gyroscope components.
Task and Async Utility Package for Unity. Start co-routines from anywhere.
Unity PlayerPrefsExtra gives you the ability to save more complexe data types such as : Vectors, Bool, Colors, Lists, ... and it uses the Unity's PlayerPrefs behind the scene.
This is a fast, easy-to-use, and powerful editor extension that provides you to import NuGet packages into your Unity project.
Template Unity Package for OpenUPM and NPMJS. Supports UPM (Unity Package Manager) with versioning.
Exports Unity3D packages without the need of Unity3D. Perfect for build automation and CI.
A simple audio encoder, decoder, noise reduction library for Unity.(wrapper for libopus and librnnoise)
UMVC - Model-View-Controller Generator built for Unity
A simple graphQL client that allows one to use .graphql files (or code) for queries, mutations, and subscriptions with Unity.
[Unity3D] Unity Presets - A Library full of content: Free Unity Scripts / Art / Tools that can be used for unity projects copyright free. - Marcel van Duijn