🎮 A multiplayer first person shooter game based on Unity Game Engine
Create beautiful user interfaces for immersive VR/AR experiences.
UI elements and prototyping tools for hands
翻译 - 用户界面的UI元素和原型制作工具
Leap Motion Unreal modules and example content.
(Eyebeam #13 of 13) Output OSC, MIDI, and After Effects/Maya animation scripts from the Leap Motion controller.
Blender plugin used to animate a rig as if it were a puppet with the aid of an external Unity Client which analyzes and sends Leap Motion data
OpenXR API layer enabling XR_EXT_hand_tracking support using Ultraleap tracking
Experiments with the Leap Motion API for Python
The Leap Motion plugin for Reveal.js
Hand Motion Capture from a 3D Leap Motion Controller for a Musculoskeletal Dynamic Simulation implemented in Python
🎹 A LeapMotion Piano using Unity
An open-source Unity toolkit for Hand Redirection techniques (Non-VR and VR).