3D engine with modern graphics
翻译 - 专注于现代渲染技术和性能的C ++游戏引擎。
Zig build package, bindings and C API (JoltC) for https://github.com/jrouwe/JoltPhysics
Jolt Physics raylib ⚡️ trying Jolt C++ game development physics library with raylib in a 3D hello world 🎱 bouncing sphere example.
A Homemade game engine written in C++23 with Vulkan
Using Jolt with Flecs & Dear ImGui 👀 to add game physics introspection to a raylib game, with pause and stepping for dev tools debugging 🐜.
Integrate Jolt Physics into jMonkeyEngine projects (code has New BSD license)
Lustra is a new WIP lightweight game engine
A JoltPhysics physics engine wrapper for rust
Cross-platform C# physics engine using Jolt
Jolt physics engine integration for Qt Quick 3D
Testbed for combining jolt-jni with jSnapLoader
Prototype builds for using the threejs webgl render.
Simple cube drop test libs for c as well c++ for raylibs test. Limited c physics libs.