#游戏引擎#Game engine
翻译 - 跨平台的2D和3D游戏引擎。
Audio and video casting system with support for custom applications.
翻译 - 音频和视频播放系统,支持自定义应用程序。
Source code for cross-platform OpenGL gaming engine
FOnline Engine is a flexible cross-platform isometric game engine
Extensions for PotPlayer to watch Twitch streams without streamlinks or any crap.
A Just-In-Time compiler for the AngelScript language on x86 processors.
Unofficial mirror for Angelscript's SVN repository, updated hourly.
script based 3D solid modeller. Moved to https://gitlab.com/arnholm
My DirectX 12 playground - engine, editor and a sample game.
PotPlayer 字幕在线翻译插件- 基于aws translate翻译的potplayer实时字幕
Lingva Translate integration for PotPlayer subtitles realtime translation
Sven Co-op AngelScript documentation, tutorials, sample code and tools
AngelScript Language Server for VSCode
AngelCAD - user documentation. Moved to https://gitlab.com/arnholm