rusefi - GPL internal combustion engine control unit
Kiibohd Controller
翻译 - Kiibohd控制器
McuOnEclipse Processor Expert components and example projects
An open-source OS for embedded applications that supports prioritized cooperative scheduling, time control, inter-task communications primitives, hierarchical state machines and CoRoutines.
The FNET is a free, open source, dual TCP/IPv4 and IPv6 Stack (under Apache Version 2.0 license) for building embedded communication software on 32bit MCUs.
Python based library for communication with NXP MCU Bootloader.
I2C driver (bare metal) for Freescale Kinetis microcontrollers, uses the Bus Pirate convention. ➡️
This is a Low-layer Support Library for KinetisKE MCUs of NXP/Freescale, I called it as CSL
Peripheral access API for Kinetis K64 microcontrollers
Laboratorní cvičení z předmětu Mikroprocesorové a vestavěné systémy (IMP), pátý semestr bakalářského studia BIT na FIT VUT/BUT, ak.rok 2023/2024