A simple start for any STM32 based project.
AI Model Zoo for STM32 devices
Simple Async HTTP Request library, supporting GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD, on top of AsyncTCP libraries, such as AsyncTCP, ESPAsyncTCP, AsyncTCP_STM32, etc.. for ESP32 (including ESP32_S2, ...
This is simple yet complete WebServer library for STM32 boards running built-in Ethernet LAN8742A (Nucleo-144, Discovery), ENC28J60 or W5x00 Ethernet shields. The functions are similar and compatible ...
Arduino Arduino Library for ESP8266, ESP32, Portenta_H7, STM32 and RP2040W asynchronous MQTT client implementation. This library, ported to support ESP32, WT32_ETH01 (ESP32 + LAN8720), ESP8266, Porten...
CMix-NN: Mixed Low-Precision CNN Library for Memory-Constrained Edge Devices
A small, simple example project demonstrating how to use an STM32 microcontroller with GNU Make, ARM GCC, and ST-Link/OpenOCD
This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1-based board. These STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 Hardware Timers, using Interrupt, still work even if other functions are...
AI Model Zoo services for STM32 devices