🖊️ Standard Consolas font with FiraCode ligatures
#编辑器#Dotfiles for my macos setup
Get your favourite programming font with ligatures ✨
#博客#A simple, but reach, retro theme for Hugo
My portfolio website build with js
Code ligatures only where you want them, not where you don’t
A few custom themes for Trilium Notebooks
A chrome extension that brings FiraCode font to GitHub's code blocks.
Code ligatures only where you want them, not where you don’t
#编辑器#A collection of popular mono fonts merged with other fonts to support more languages
Hyper / Alacritty + zsh + oh-my-zsh + zplug + powerlevel10k + snazzy theme + nerd fonts + useful plugins
A customized version of Fira Code with some non-default stylistic sets baked-in
A minor mode makes Fira Code Symbol work in Emacs
Ansible Role to setup my workstation and make it configurable. Includes my .dotfiles.