📣 Help Wanted - Looking for Maintainer: https://github.com/Glavin001/atom-beautify/issues/2572 | 💄 Universal beautification package for Atom editor (⚠️ Currently migrating to http...
Find outdated dependencies of your Go projects. go-mod-outdated provides a table view of the go list -u -m -json all command which lists all dependencies of a Go project and their available minor and ...
翻译 - 查找Go项目的过时依赖项。 go-mod-outdated提供了go list -u -m -json all命令的表视图,该命令列出了Go项目的所有依赖项及其可用的次要和补丁更新。它还提供了一种过滤间接依赖关系和无需更新的依赖关系的方法。
Beautifully format Webpack messages throughout your bundle lifecycle(s)!
#编辑器#💧Liquid language support for VS Code
Sensible presets and some tweaks for beautifying HTML with js-beautify according to my preferences.
#安卓# Codeview is an Android library that lets you preview code in webview very easy and simple with highlights and colors.
Beautiful formatting for Webpack messages; ported from Create React App!
一个基于 Google Code Prettify 实现的WordPress代码高亮插件,在TinyMCE编辑器中提供了一个插入代码的按钮。在文本编辑器中,加入了pre-js,pre-css,pre-html 3个快捷按钮;
Utilities to make working with 'Duration's easier.
🌎 Lint your i18n translation files. Detect conflicting properties, duplicates and make it more readable and easier to maintain by formatting it!
A plugin for Obsidian that shows raw BibTeX bibliography entries in a prettier way. (https://obsidian.md)
#博客#Pinny Notes is a sticky note application with a button to "pin" a note making it always on top above other windows. A number of other handy tools are also available via the right click menus.
An incredibly flexible and performant JSON parser, generator and formatter in pure Erlang.