Find outdated dependencies of your Go projects. go-mod-outdated provides a table view of the go list -u -m -json all command which lists all dependencies of a Go project and their available minor and ...
翻译 - 查找Go项目的过时依赖项。 go-mod-outdated提供了go list -u -m -json all命令的表视图,该命令列出了Go项目的所有依赖项及其可用的次要和补丁更新。它还提供了一种过滤间接依赖关系和无需更新的依赖关系的方法。
Deps Versions - See outdated versions for your Clojure based projects
Returns the outdated packages of a package.json file.
A Helm plugin to list outdated subcharts
npm-update-package-version is a command-line tool that checks for available updates of your project's dependencies. It lists the package name and the latest version available in a table format.
npm outdated updater
A command line utility for easily upgrading the outdated npm dependencies in your Node.js project.
Messing around with and discord.js to make discord bots :)