pip install funboost,python全功能分布式函数调度框架,funboost的功能是全面性重量级,用户能想得到的功能99%全都有;funboost的使用方式是轻量级,只有@boost一行代码需要写。支持python所有类型的并发模式和一切知名消息队列中间件,支持如 celery dramatiq等框架整体作为funboost中间件,python函数加速器,框架包罗万象,用户能想...
Clean architecture python application sample, with domain layer protected
A standalone nameko rpc proxy for asyncio and some wrappers for using nameko rpc proxy with asynchronous web frameworks(Sanic, fastapi).
TwitterAPI + Flask + Nameko + Postgresql + Textblob
A Nameko extension with entrypoints for handling Salesforce Streaming API events and a dependency provider for easy communication with Salesforce REST API.
Use the django ORM into your nameko microservices