#算法刷题#💎 A curated list of awesome Competitive Programming, Algorithm and Data Structure resources
翻译 - :gem:精湛的竞争性编程,算法和数据结构资源的精选列表
#算法刷题#Algorithm and data structure articles for https://cp-algorithms.com (based on http://e-maxx.ru)
翻译 - http://e-maxx.ru译成英文
#Awesome#A comprehensive list of Game Design related learning materials, examples and tools.
#前端开发#Awesome Learning - Learn JavaScript and Front-End Fundamentals at your own pace
翻译 - 很棒的学习-以自己的节奏学习JavaScript和前端基础知识
Postgres full text search options (tsearch, trigram, ilike) examples
#学习与技能提升#📖 Support examples for learning full-text search with use of PostgreSQL. Ready to run.
Репозиторий практик факультета ИТиАБД направления Прикладной Информатики в Финансовом Университете при Правительстве РФ [2019-2023]
#算法刷题#Course material and references for Campus To Corporate course, 2017.
Collection of mine and others presentations on various topics like application security, python, cloud security, DevSecOps and so on... These are free to use and publicly available slides. But, don't ...
Clean architecture python application sample, with domain layer protected
Kho tài liệu học tập UIT, phiên bản Mạng máy tính và Truyền thông
#学习与技能提升#Free learning materials in theoretical physics, quantum mechanics, and quantum computing.
Learning materials describing Reproducible Analytical Pipeline
Record the learning materials of the course - "STOCHASTIC ANALYSIS OF COMPUTER NETWORKS" in National Cheng Kung University.
#学习与技能提升#ARCHIVED: Activity moved to rostools organization.
Repository related to activities at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Репозиторий практик в Колледже Информатики и Программирования при Финансовом Университете при Правительстве РФ [2015-2019]
A repository of learning materials for teaching Ansible for e-Infrastructures
#算法刷题#A solid, comprehensive foundation on data structures and algorithms in Python
#学习与技能提升#TDD implementation of JavaScript Fibonacci series function