Simple, Short and Sweet beginners friendly C language programs
All-inclusive Javascript cheatsheet
翻译 - 基本的Java速查表
SmallBASIC is a fast and easy to learn BASIC language interpreter ideal for everyday calculations, scripts and prototypes. SmallBASIC includes trigonometric, matrices and algebra functions, a built in...
The QB64 Phoenix Edition Repository
This repository will contains C programs from beginners to advance level
JPMorgan Chase & Co. Software Engineering Virtual Internship tasks [ patch files submission ] solutions
BASIC language compiler for Colecovision, MSX, SG1000, Spectravideo SVI-318/328, Creativision, Sord M5, Memotech MTX, Tatung Einstein, Casio PV-2000, and Hanimex/Soundic Pencil II.
The new BASIC computer that runs in your browser!
This is the original 1978 BASIC Source code for the classic text-only Super Star Trek Game.
Retro Rocket BASIC Powered Operating System
🅱️ MSX-BASIC コマンドリファレンス command reference (Japanese)
#算法刷题#It contains all the Python Programs, whether it's a GUI, basic, Data Structures, etc. It's a collection of some great Python scripts from basic to advance levels for automating some monotonous tasks.
#算法刷题#All my projects, homework, hand writings, course slides and anything I have learned and done during my studies at IUT😊. feel free to give it a ⭐=)
Interpreters for Tiny Basic written in Basic (various versions), C, C#, Java, Pascal, Python, VB.Net and others. Pure interpreters, e.g., not byte code, not even tokenized.
#学习与技能提升#Python programming basics course