FreeBASIC is a completely free, open-source, multi-platform BASIC compiler, with syntax similar to MS-QuickBASIC, that adds new features such as pointers, object orientation, unsigned data types, inli...
The QB64 Phoenix Edition Repository
Raster Master Sprite/Icon/Map/Animation/Sound editor for Windows 7/8/10/11 Multiple Import/Export formats. Use sprite sheets to import graphics. Create your own sprite sheets. Create modern web games...
Manage resources in Win32 executables and resource files: Angus Johnson.
The All BASIC Code Archive & Reader: William Yu.
The source code for the classic Civil War Strategy Game by W.R. Hutsell.
A VGA ROM font editor & library for QB64-PE
A GUI engine and WYSIWYG interface designer for QB64-PE
A MOD player & library for QB64-PE
#编辑器#a Vim colorscheme that looks like good old Microsoft QuickBASIC.
Programmer's Kit for DeluxePaint Animation : Electronic Arts.
QB64-PE bindings for raylib (a simple and easy-to-use library to learn videogames programming)
Sound Blaster Programming Information: André Baresel, Craig Jackson.