Celery Periodic Tasks backed by the Django ORM
A Celery like task manager that distributes Asyncio coroutines
Useful checklist for building great Celery tasks.
Celery Batches allows processing of multiple Celery task requests together
Collect/process data via various data sources : website / js website / API. Run scrapping pipeline via Celery, and Travis cron task. Dump the scraped data to slack
NovaMusic is a Django music website.
py4web app with socketio, simple chat server, python-socketio example, py4web sockjs example, server sent events, sse
Twitter clone using Django and Vanilla javascript
Comparte Ride (Cride) is a carpooling car app built in Django Rest and docker.
Fyra is API-REST of Point of Sale (POS) project built using the Django Rest Framework (DRF) in conjunction with Docker, Redis, and Celery that allows users to manage sales transactions in a retail set...
Integrating 🔗 Celery with Django via Redis server ,To-Do asynchronously 👀task without stopping the main-flow 📃 of Django-project . It increase your speed 🚀 and user experience 🤵 of website
API to fetch latest videos sorted in reverse chronological order of their publishing date-time from YouTube for a given tag/search query in a paginated response.
Celery-pymongo is a deployment of celery which uses RabbitMQ as message broker, pymongo for storing task results in MongoDb.
The fastest way to reduce the length of URLs with statistics
#区块链#Track Cryptocurrency Prices(real-time) using django, django-channels, celery
A reverse proxy for https://github.com/trampgeek/jobe written in Python using Flask and Requests.
A Celery backend application using Redis as a broker to periodically fetch air quality data (AQI and pollutant concentrations) from the OpenWeatherMap API for specified coordinates. The data is stored...