Docker image with uWSGI and Nginx for Flask applications in Python running in a single container.
翻译 - 带有uWSGI和Nginx的Docker映像,用于在单个容器中运行的Python中的Flask应用程序。可选配Alpine Linux。
🔥 Pyflame: A Ptracing Profiler For Python. This project is deprecated and not maintained.
翻译 - y Pyflame:Python的跟踪分析器。此项目已弃用,不再维护。
A C++ Web Framework built on top of Qt, using the simple approach of Catalyst (Perl) framework.
Docker image with uWSGI and Nginx for applications in Python (as Flask) in a single container.
Docker + Django + Nginx + uWSGI + Postgres 基本教學 - 從無到有 ( Docker + Django + Nginx + uWSGI + Postgres Tutorial )
Django 5 By Example (5th Edition) published by Packt
🔌 High-performance WebSockets for your Flask apps powered by uWSGI.
Project template used at Fueled for scaffolding new Django based projects. 💫
A project to get you started with Docker and Django.
Minimal project generator with a Flask backend, a modern frontend (Vue, React or Angular), a Traefik load balancer with HTTPS, all based on Docker.
Pyblog 是一个简单易用的在线 Markdown 博客系统,它使用 Python 的 flask 架构,理论上支持所有 flask-sqlalchemy 所能支持的数据库。 编辑器使用的是。当前版本(v2.0)支持且仅支持 python3! Python 的 Markdown to HTML 编译器使用的是 Mistune! Just so!
實戰 Docker + Django + Nginx + uWSGI + Postgres - Load Balance -Tutorial 📝
🔗 A URL shortening service built using Flask and MySQL
Asynchronous tasks management with UWSGI server
How to use Flask with gevent (uWSGI and Gunicorn editions)
A Django sample app running with uWSGI and Nginx on AWS Elastic Beanstalk.