Docker image with uWSGI and Nginx for Flask applications in Python running in a single container.
翻译 - 带有uWSGI和Nginx的Docker映像,用于在单个容器中运行的Python中的Flask应用程序。可选配Alpine Linux。
接口自动化测试平台——python+flask版,支持http协议,java 版本开发完毕
Docker image with Meinheld and Gunicorn for Flask applications in Python.
Book recommender system using collaborative filtering based on Spark
Blog Web Application base on Python-Flask framework
Movie Recommendation System with Complete End-to-End Pipeline, Model Intregration & Web Application Hosted. It will also help you build similar projects.
Start a REST API's using Flask in 30 sec. One-click deploy to Heroku Server (free) & integrated with Gitpod.
Web Application for checking the similarity between query and document using the concept of Cosine Similarity.
#自然语言处理#👓 Platform to automatically detect what user might be interested in buying in near future
Basic Python Flask app in Docker which prints the hostname and IP of the container
#安全#A python flask app that is purposefully vulnerable to SQL injection and XSS attacks. To be used for demonstrating attacks
A Python Flask based Library Management System. This Flask app has all the features of a Library Management System like adding, removing, and creating copies of books. This app has a separate admin ta...
An online e commerce stores management and order placing system API built using flask and sqlalchemy . Various functionalities present and further functionalities being added to make it as real life a...
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A Resume builder which allows users to build their own custom resumes with details like experience,projects , skills ,education etc. Users can also have the feature to download their resumes . To c...
This is a base code for testing websocket connection between python flask with socketio as Server and react Webapp as client
A Kubernetes Hello World Project