Docker image with uWSGI and Nginx for Flask applications in Python running in a single container.
翻译 - 带有uWSGI和Nginx的Docker映像,用于在单个容器中运行的Python中的Flask应用程序。可选配Alpine Linux。
Docker image with uWSGI and Nginx for applications in Python (as Flask) in a single container.
Python Flask with Nginx and uWSGI
Generator for Django web app + Gulp, Browserify, Sass/Stylus and more.
💯收作业系统 | 作业提交系统——这是一个基于Python Flask框架编写的Web应用,用于收集班级作业。
Monitoring Flask app logs using Telegraf, InfluxDB, and Grafana
An alternative nginx uwsgi flask docker setup
Flask App to scrape hrefs from websites and validate links
Docker image for Python Flask Apps with official Microsoft SQL Driver, NGINX and uWSGI
Docker image for deploying Python Web Apps on NGINX. Image includes Nginx, uWSGI and Python.
Create Flask app with uWSGI, Nginx, Certbot for SSL and all this with docker
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A task scheduling application for Amazon ECS
A multi container setup for a nginx-uwsgi-django stack mostly built on Alpine linux
Configuration example to execute Python scripts via CGI through Nginx and uWSGI application server
Django uWSGI nginx Postgres Docker一键部署
Docker container template using docker-compose with Django, Nginx, uWSGI and Postgres
Custom community website for Sogang Computer Science & Engineering people
🚀 Docker (Non root) with Flask, OpenPyXL, MongoDB, uWSGI, Nginx