List of 127 languages for Laravel Framework, Laravel Jetstream, Laravel Fortify, Laravel Breeze, Laravel Cashier, Laravel Nova, Laravel Spark and Laravel UI.
翻译 - Laravel 5、6和7的75种语言列表
Localization publisher for your Laravel application
Laravel UI Frontend Preset for AdminLTE with Laravel Fortify support.
翻译 - 适用于AdminLTE的Laravel UI前端预设
Easily hook up your React app to Laravel Sanctum and Laravel Fortify
Latest Laravel 11 and Vue 3 boilerplate using Tailwind 3, Sanctum, Fortify, Pinia, the new Vue3 Composition API
Integrate Laravel Fortify easily in your Filament apps.
Laravel UI Frontend Preset for Stisla with Laravel Fortify support.
Ini adalah template dasar untuk menggunakan SB Admin 2 yang dibungkus dengan Laravel 12, Laravel UI, dan Laravel Fortify.
Orchid template optimized for Fortify, an authentication package for Laravel, combining strengths for a robust and secure application environment.
A Tailwind based UI preset for Laravel Fortify
Laravel Authentication Scaffold using Laravel Fortify and Bootstrap.
Laravel fortify üzerine geliştirilmiş kullanıma hazır panel
Laravel 9 project to use with a Quasar app
Front-end scaffolding for laravel/fortify based on kui-dashboard
Website Uptime & Certificate Monitoring API built using Laravel.
Laravel UI Frontend Preset for Voler with Laravel Fortify support.
A Laravel 8 starter template containing mobile menu, tailwindcss V2, sass, alpinejs blade components featuring fortify auth with views. Project is for my training purposes.
Laravel SaaS Boilerplate for building Multi-Tenant Applications
Meadow is a laravel package used for instant admin panel