Next.js plugin + i18n API for Next.js 🌍 - Load page translations and use them in an easy way!
翻译 - 用于Next.js的i18n工具10🌍-加载页面翻译并以简单的方式使用它们!
Pluralize or singularize any word based on a count
#IOS#Localization of the application with ability to change language "on the fly" and support for plural form in any language.
Pluralize and singularize any word (golang adaptation of
#安卓#Kotlin API for generating Android XML Resources
Cross-platform format specification + libraries for handling plurals/genders/conditionals for Go, Java, JS, Obj-C, Perl, PHP, Python, and Rust
I18n module for grammatically correct plural inflections, and maybe even some extra features related to i18n.
PHP translation library
Super lightweight yet powerful i18n library
Rust package to pluralize or singularize any word based on a count inspired on pluralize NPM package
Evaluates plural rules, so that localization libraries can choose the right plural form.
Nette Framework adapter package for I18n module.
Evaluates plural rules for cardinal numbers, so that localization libraries can choose the right plural form.
A banyan of all things PluralityNET — many roots, trunks, and interconnectedness folders at the top repository directory
Inflector provides an API for forming the plurals of nouns.
A simple swift package for localizing your apps from JSON files with easy plural and dictionary handling.