#Awesome#😎 A curated list of robotics libraries and software
Simbody 是高性能的C++ 库多体动力学库,用于模拟类似汽车、机器人、人体骨骼等生物力学以及机器力学系统
High-performance C++ library for multiphysics and multibody dynamics simulations
Multibody Dynamics Library designed for Free Floating Robots
PyDy tutorial materials for MASB 2014, PYCON 2014, and SciPy 2014/2015.
RBDL - Rigid Body Dynamics Library - ORB Version - The two main differences to the original rbdl is that this version has error handling and uses polymorphism for constraints
#Awesome#😎 A curated list of resources for multibody dynamics simulation papers
A multi-body simulation software
Calculates the dynamic equations of motion of a N DOF robot arm using the Lagrangian formulation.
Open library of musculoskeletal models and examples ready to be used with the AnyBody Modelling System.
Open library of musculoskeletal models and examples ready to be used with the AnyBody Modelling System.
Model and simulate multibody systems in Julia
An open-source framework for the modeling, simulation and visualization of constrained multi-body systems.
Model and simulate multibody systems in Julia
An open-source framework for the modeling, simulation and visualization of constrained multi-body systems.
A hydrodynamics extension for Project Chrono, enabling simulations of wave energy converters, floating offshore wind turbines, and more.
Future version of the AnyBody Managed Model Repository with a full thoracic spine model.
Future version of the AnyBody Managed Model Repository with a full thoracic spine model.
MultiBody Dynamics Estimators (MBDE): MATLAB toolkit
Rerun c3d files and biorbd models from python.