Simbody 是高性能的C++ 库多体动力学库,用于模拟类似汽车、机器人、人体骨骼等生物力学以及机器力学系统
#计算机科学#Reinforcement learning environments with musculoskeletal models
SimTK OpenSim C++ libraries and command-line applications, and Java/Python wrapping.
#Awesome#A curated, public list of resources for biomechanics and human motion analysis: datasets, processing tools, software for simulation, educational videos, lectures, etc.
Notes on Scientific Computing for Biomechanics and Motor Control
Nimble: Physics Engine for Biomechanics and Deep Learning
Markerless kinematics with any cameras — From 2D Pose estimation to 3D OpenSim motion
The open source initiative for anonymized, elite-level athletic motion capture data. Run by Driveline Baseball.
A UI for building OpenSim models
PyDy tutorial materials for MASB 2014, PYCON 2014, and SciPy 2014/2015.
Tools for the Cleveland State Human Motion and Control Lab
An optimization framework that links CasADi, Ipopt, ACADOS and biorbd for Optimal Control Problem
An Open-Source Python Package to Facilitate Research in Biomechanics
We developed a method animating a statistical 3D human model for biomechanical analysis to increase accessibility for non-experts, like patients, athletes, or designers.
Compute 2D human pose and angles from a video or a webcam.
#数据仓库#Information of public available data sets for biomechanics.
Solve optimal control problems for musculoskeletal models using OpenSim and direct collocation.
STAPLE (Shared Tools for Automatic Personalised Lower Extremity modelling) consists of a collection of methods for generating skeletal models from three-dimensional bone geometries, usually segmented ...