动态语义SLAM 目标检测+VSLAM+光流/多视角几何动态物体检测+octomap地图+目标数据库
Real time semantic slam in ROS with a hand held RGB-D camera
Quadcopter path planning using RRT* and minimum jerk trajectory generation
Autonomous Exploration package for a Turtulebot equiped with RGBD Sensor(Kinect, Xtion)
Learning-aided 3D mapping
ROS2 stack for mapping with OctoMap, contains octomap_server package
Creating a segmented 3D octomap of the surroundings using ORB-SLAM3, with the possibility of removing or adding specific segmented objects to the octomap.
Hector Quadrotor with MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
[ROS2 humble] Convert 3D LiDAR map to 2D Occupancy Grid Map
Scene Flow Propagation for Semantic Mapping and Object Discovery in Dynamic Street Scenes
A global Planner for a fly/drive concept vehicle in 3D Octomap environment.
A set of launch files and configuration files for Plymouth University's Pepper robot
ROS package for merging multiple 3D point cloud maps. Includes octomap occupancy map generation capability.
Create Octomaps from depth images with optional GPU acceleration
Obstacle avoidance for drone with cable suspended payload using RGBD Camera, Octomap and PX4 Firmware
InEKF Localization and Semantic Mapping on the KITTI Dataset