g2o: A General Framework for Graph Optimization
翻译 - g2o:图形优化的通用框架
Python binding of SLAM graph optimization framework g2o
A simple monocular visual odometry (part of vSLAM) by ORB keypoints with initialization, tracking, local map and bundle adjustment. (WARNING: Hi, I'm sorry that this project is tuned for course demo, ...
(ICRA 2019) Visual-Odometric On-SE(2) Localization and Mapping
A CUDA implementation of Bundle Adjustment
SE(2)-Constrained Localization and Mapping by Fusing Odometry and Vision (IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2019)
A simple slimmed down mono slam implementation
A .Net wrapper for the G2O (graph-based optimization) library
This repo contains several concepts and implimentations of computer vision and visual slam algorithms for rapid prototyping for reserachers to test concepts.
A ROS package for 2-D pose graph SLAM using open karto package for the front-end and g2o solver for the back-end.
Simple implementation of Stereo SLAM system on KITTI dataset using Dense feature sampling and 3D-2D PnP localization, loop closure and g2o pose graph optimization.
Basic Sparse-Cholesky Graph SLAM solver implemented in python