C++/Python-based 3D geospatial application for simulating and visualizing dynamic objects in planetary environments
A Unity port of Brunetons improved atmospheric scattering
A realistic atmosphere material for both the Godot game engine and Unreal Engine 4
A port of Proland to Unity
A collection of forward and inverse Mie solving routines for Python 3, based on Bohren and Huffman's Mie Theory derivations
An OpenGL implementation of Eric Bruneton's Precomputed Atmospheric Scattering paper.
A collection of various Sky Model implementations in OpenGL suitable for real-time rendering.
翻译 - OpenGL中适用于实时渲染的各种Sky Model实现的集合。
3D scene with a model of the Solar System
Brunetons procomputed atmospheric scatting in Unity
Implementation of an atmospheric scattering example found on ShaderToy, ported to URP and made to work with baked optical depth. Inspired by Sebastian Lague's series on Atmospheric Rendering
A simple implementation of volumetric atmospheric scattering using babylonjs.
GPU-accelerated atmospheric ice crystal halo simulator
Space-game oriented rendering engine
Atmospheric simulations
Precomputed Atmospheric Scattering for unity
This project is a DirectX 11 port of the new implementation of the Precomputed Atmospheric Scattering paper by Bruneton and Neyret.
A game engine with scene graph using OpenGL 3.3 core profile with LWJGL