GAAS is an open-source program designed for fully autonomous VTOL(a.k.a flying cars) and drones. GAAS stands for Generalized Autonomy Aviation System.
翻译 - 通用航空:开源的自主航空软件平台,专为完全自主的无人机和飞行汽车而设计。
#自然语言处理#To memorize the journey start from self-driving Car Engineer Nanodegree Program to Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree Program to Flying Car Nanodegree Program then Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegre...
Contains Flying Car Nanodegree Projects
#自然语言处理#Contains my solutions for various Nanodegree Programs (Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Computer Vision, Sensor Fusion, Flying Cars).
Towards L5 Autonomous Flying Cars, a Robust Framework Extends GAAS with Lidars!
Flying Car and Autonomous Flight Engineer Nanodegree, Udacity
Research the flying-car vision high-tech
In this project I implemented my flight controller in C++ for the Udacity simulated drone. This controller can eventually be deployed to a real drone!
In this project, I developed the estimation portion of my controller for the drone in the Udacity CPP simulator. My simulated quad is now able to fly with my estimator and my custom controller (from ...
#算法刷题#Simple 3D motion planner for a flying car using A* search algorithm
This is an exercise as a part of Flying Car Nano degree offered by Udacity !!
#计算机科学#Projects and Exercises of Udacity Deep Reinforcement Learning Nanodegree
Backyard Flyer project from Udacity Flying Car Nanodegree
This project is a continuation of the Backyard Flyer project where you executed a simple square shaped flight path. In this project you will integrate the techniques that you have learned throughout t...