#计算机科学#Minkowski Engine is an auto-diff neural network library for high-dimensional sparse tensors
翻译 - Minkowski Engine是一个自动差分库,用于广义稀疏卷积和高维稀疏张量
automatic differentiation made easier for C++
Iterative Linear Quadratic Regulator with auto-differentiatiable dynamics models
#计算机科学#Computational graphs with reverse automatic differentation in the GPU
skscope: Sparse-Constrained OPtimization via itErative-solvers
FastAD is a C++ implementation of automatic differentiation both forward and reverse mode.
Enzyme integration into Rust. Experimental, do not use.
#计算机科学#AutoDiff DAG constructor, built on numpy and Cython. A Neural Turing Machine and DeepQ agent run on it. Clean code for educational purpose.
#计算机科学#Сustom torch style machine learning framework with automatic differentiation implemented on numpy, allows build GANs, VAEs, etc.
#计算机科学#도서 머신러닝·딥러닝에 필요한 기초 수학 with 파이썬의 예제 코드와 그래프 그리는 코드 및 웹앱 저장소
Galactic and Gravitational Dynamics in Python (+ GPU and autodiff)
variational quantum circuit simulator in Julia, under GPLv3
#计算机科学#Differentiable Gaussian Process implementation for PyTorch
Algorithmic differentiation with hyper-dual numbers in C++ and Python
#大语言模型#[ ggml: Tensor library for machine learning ] written in zig.
Auto-differentiation library for C++
JutulDarcyRules: ChainRules extension to Jutul and JutulDarcy