SOFARPC is a high-performance, high-extensibility, production-level Java RPC framework.
翻译 - SOFARPC是高性能,高扩展性的生产级Java RPC框架。
#计算机科学#PyTorch implementation of Advantage Actor Critic (A2C), Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), Scalable trust-region method for deep reinforcement learning using Kronecker-factored approximation (ACKTR) ...
Jupiter是一款性能非常不错的, 轻量级的分布式服务框架
PyHessian is a Pytorch library for second-order based analysis and training of Neural Networks
A RPC service development framework.(RPC服务框架XXL-RPC)
Quantization library for PyTorch. Support low-precision and mixed-precision quantization, with hardware implementation through TVM.
A Tutorial on Manipulator Differential Kinematics
ADAHESSIAN: An Adaptive Second Order Optimizer for Machine Learning
#计算机科学#Code and weights for local feature affine shape estimation paper "Repeatability Is Not Enough: Learning Discriminative Affine Regions via Discriminability"
A lightweight, high throughput, and low latency RPC framework that supports the RDMA protocol
⚡️ Nepxion Thunder is a distribution RPC framework based on Netty + Hessian + Kafka + ActiveMQ + Tibco + Zookeeper + Redis + Spring Web MVC + Spring Boot + Docker 多协议、多组件、多序列化的分布式RPC调用框架
{KFAC,EKFAC,Diagonal,Implicit} Fisher Matrices and finite width NTKs in PyTorch
caucho hessian2 implementation in Go for [apache/dubbo-go]( which is compatible with [dubbo-hessian-lite](
js hessian binary web service protocol, support communicate with java
A high-performance, open-source java RPC framework.
An internal improved version of Hessian3/4 powered by Ant Group CO., Ltd.
#安全#A local reactive cache for Java and Android. Now, it supports heap memory、off-heap memory and disk cache.
This Repository contains Solutions to the Quizes & Lab Assignments of the Mathematics for Machine Learning Specialization offered by Imperial College of London on Coursera taught by David Dye, Samuel ...