Java binary serialization and cloning: fast, efficient, automatic
翻译 - Java二进制序列化和克隆:快速,高效,自动
Jupiter是一款性能非常不错的, 轻量级的分布式服务框架
Reliable messages resolve distributed transactions
Ore Infinium, Open Source multiplayer Terraria-inspired Sci-fi game, focused on technology, devices and researching. Written in Kotlin (JVM), LibGDX. Cross platform
#安全#A local reactive cache for Java and Android. Now, it supports heap memory、off-heap memory and disk cache.
RPC with service discovery base on netty
#安卓#🎒 A fast, secure and modular key-value storage with batteries-included for Android and JVM.
提供Java、Web、各种类库增强,尽量避免996 。目前已支持 feign, redis, datasource, shiro, httpclient, rest, codec, serialize, jersey, 多种ssh client 等
Scala macros for compile-time generation of Kryo serializers
Example of how to create your own custom serializers for Kafka queues including JSON, Smile and Kryo
low-level helpers for Apache Spark libraries and tests
Extensible Java Library for reading, manipulating and writing hierarchical data structures from/to various formats.
一款分布式 RPC 框架,基于 Netty + Kryo + Zookeeper 实现。自定义 starter 完成与 Spring 的整合,简化了框架的使用。
一个简单易懂的 RPC 框架,支持优雅的使用注解注册与消费服务, 支持动态感知服务提供者上下线, 支持负载均衡