(CVPR'20 Oral) Unsupervised Learning of Probably Symmetric Deformable 3D Objects from Images in the Wild
翻译 - (CVPR'20口腔)从野外图像中可能对称对称可变形3D对象的无监督学习
TDME2 - ThreeDeeMiniEngine2 is a lightweight, multi-platform 3D engine including tools suited for 3D game/application development using C++, Mini(t)Script, GLSL, ...
MuJoCo Models for Google's Scanned Objects Dataset
The most complete Flutter package for rendering interactive 3D models in various formats (GLB, GLTF, OBJ, FBX), with the ability to control animations, textures, camera, and more.
Tile map editor 3D with 3D terrains
#IOS#🦕 Unofficial Google Poly SDK in Swift – search, discover, and download 3D models and scenes
#计算机科学#Toward Realistic Single-View 3D Object Reconstruction with Unsupervised Learning from Multiple Images (ICCV 2021)
#安卓#Android Studio AR and Computer Vision apps
Automating Toolpath Planing and Generation for 3-Axis CNC
✳️ PTSource PolyDraw is a 3D polygonal modeller for Windows x86 and x64, for creating or modifying 3D objects using a mesh of 3D points and parametric NURBS Curves .Exports and im...
3DCityDB Web Map Client Docker image
A Quiet Place in VR: Generate any 3D object with your voice. It's magic!
A skeleton-based program for Symmetry Detection in 3D Objects.
About This project represents the use of Z-Buffer for rendering of basic 3D objects.
#计算机科学#CompoNET: geometric deep learning approach in architecture. From a single-image generates a building with all its components
This is my 6th semester openGL mini Project. This project is open sourced under Apache License ( V2.0 ).
C# implementation of some mathematical solutions to problems in 3D world generation
Harry and Mike’s project to learn openGL and share what we have learned.
PyOpenGL game of 3D jeep driving, collecting stars, and avoiding cones