Interop bindings for Windows.
Game engine framework using DirectX 11, Direct2D, DirectWrite, Qt, FBX SDK, ImGui/ImGuizmo and PhysX
Luna Engine is DirectX 11 based engine that i am trying to make.
Cube World Beta Compatibility DLLs for Win7_64
A plugin for DiRT games allowing to play co-driver calls through a separate audio device.
Open Sound Refenation - Open-Source Windows DAW
Modern C++17 audio library for Windows OS with XAudio2 API
Audio Player is a C++ library for Windows platform using XAudio2 2D and 3D.
Fast, simple and modern middleware for game engines
A BattleShip game created in a weekend speedcoding challenge using only WinAPI, DirectX 12 and XAudio2
A thing called Frodo because LoLz