一个支持 RTSP / RTMP / LL-HLS 协议的流媒体服务器及代理
Remote-control of OBS Studio through WebSocket
翻译 - 用于OBS Studio的WebSockets API
StreamFX is a plugin for OBS® Studio which adds many new effects, filters, sources, transitions and encoders! Be it 3D Transform, Blur, complex Masking, or even custom shaders, you'll find it all here...
翻译 - 借助现代效果,让您的视频流栩栩如生!
DistroAV (formerly OBS-NDI): NDI integration for OBS Studio
翻译 - 适用于OBS Studio的NewTek NDI集成
An OBS plugin for removing background in portrait images (video), making it easy to replace the background when recording or streaming.
翻译 - An OBS plugin for removing background in portrait images (video), making it easy to replace the background when screen recording.
obs-studio plugin to simulate a directshow webcam
翻译 - obs-studio插件可模拟DirectShow网络摄像头
OBS-web - the easiest way to control OBS remotely
翻译 - OBS-web-远程控制OBS的最简单方法
Docker image with Nginx using the nginx-rtmp-module module for live multimedia (video) streaming.
obs studio output plugin for Video4Linux2 device
翻译 - 用于Video4Linux2设备的obs studio输出插件
Consumes https://github.com/obsproject/obs-websocket
OBS plugin for local speech recognition and captioning using AI
A Plugin for OBS Studio to enable Spout2 (https://github.com/leadedge/Spout2) input / output
libOBS (OBS Studio) for Node.Js, Electron and similar tools
This is a fork of OBS-studio with generic support for webrtc. It leverages the same webrtc implementation most browsers use.