Vitis In-Depth Tutorials
A collection of extensions for Vitis and Intel FPGA OpenCL to improve developer quality of life.
Hands-on experience using the Vitis unified software platform with Xilinx FPGA hardware
FPGA acceleration of arbitrary precision floating point computations.
High Level Synthesis of a trained Convolutional Neural Network for handwritten digit recongnition.
Construct and Analyze the North American Vitis pangenome
An end-to-end GCN inference accelerator written in HLS
#计算机科学#Includes the SVD-based approximation algorithms for compressing deep learning models and the FPGA accelerators exploiting such approximation mechanism, as described in the paper Mapping multiple LSTM ...
#计算机科学#The code repository of DGCNN on FPGA: Acceleration of The Point Cloud Classifier Using FPGAs