Robot-centric elevation mapping for rough terrain navigation
翻译 - 以机器人为中心的海拔地图,用于崎rough的地形导航
Source code for the article "GroundGrid: LiDAR Point Cloud Ground Segmentation and Terrain Estimation"
#计算机科学#ETH Zürich Master thesis on Solving Occlusion in Terrain Mapping with Neural Networks
Range sensor-based 2.5D gridded height mapping (Digital Elevation Model) for urban terrain navigation of mobile robots
Terrain mapping algorithm for motion planning and control in legged locomotion
Global FloodPLAIN mapping using a geomorphic algorithm
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle R based Mission Planner
A tool for helping you download larger parts of terrain from
A modified version of sysoppl/Cities-Skylines-heightmap-generator to accomodate the needs of roblox developers
Automated Terrain Analysis Based On Satellite Images and Infrastructure Planning
Website for modelling a terrain of any place on earth
Terrain and zone planning for growing plants.
🏞 🌅 🌄 JavaScript module to get Corine Land Cover data from the European Environment Agency.