A high performance, editable terrain system for Godot 4.
3D Maps for OpenSceneGraph / C++14
#计算机科学#Generating Elevation Surface from a Single RGB Remotely Sensed Image Using Deep Learning
#计算机科学#Procedural 3D Terrain Generation using Generative Adversarial Networks
A demo of cfMMOC library for terrain rendering
Terranova terrain generator/mixer and terrain detail spawner.
Interactive 2D terrain modeling with water simulation and erosion (CUDA & OpenGL).
Visualization tool to navigate Common Database (CDB) databases using OpenSceneGraph (OSG).
An algorithm for vertically exaggerating DEMs for 3D maps, based on surface roughness. Useful for areas with a mix of rough and smooth terrain, where different exaggeration factors are ideal for diffe...
Showcase of Height Map Terrain Modelling and Visualisation C++11/14 and OpenGL 4.5 Shaders (GLSL)
Симуляция распространения звуковых волн в водной среде с неоднородным рельефом и последующее выполнение поискового алгоритма с целью найти источник звука.
A simple program to view terrain heightfield images in 3D and fly around it. For GeoTiff elevation images it can map them to world vegetation ndvi image wrt their texturing.
Website for modelling a terrain of any place on earth
Symulacja rozchodzenia się fal dźwiękowych w wodnym środowisku o nieregularnym kształcie dna z dalszym wykonaniem algorytmu wyszukiwania źródła dźwięku.
PlagueSpread is a Computational Geometry application, with the scenario of infection spread from hotspot areas. It concerns 2D, 3D space, Voronoi Diagrams, KD trees, Path finding and terrain emulation...