Draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data! Built with osmnx +matplotlib + shapely
翻译 - 一小组 Python 函数,用于从 OpenStreetMap 数据绘制漂亮的地图。基于 osmnx、matplotlib 和 shapely 库。
Web application generating interactive and highly customizable maps
翻译 - Web应用程序生成交互式和高度可定制的地图
Mapnik is an open source toolkit for developing mapping applications
翻译 - Mapnik是用于开发地图绘制应用程序的开源工具包
🖼️ Create beautiful maps from OpenStreetMap data in a streamlit webapp
An open source visual editor for the 'MapLibre Style Specification'
uMap lets you create maps with OpenStreetMap layers in a minute and embed them in your site.
Code, data, and instructions for mapping orbits of asteroids in the solar system
#算法刷题#Using Dijkstra's algorithm ("finding the shortest paths between nodes in a graph") to draw maps 🌍.
翻译 - 使用Dijkstra的算法(“在图形中的节点之间找到最短路径”)绘制地图:earth_africa:。
Lightweight vector map rendering + labeling and symbology for Leaflet
An demo animation of wind on a Canvas layer in the JSAPI
Context geo-tiles in Python
Tilezen vector tile service - OpenStreetMap data in several formats
A free Mapbox GL basemap style for everyone
Basemap PMTiles generation and cartographic styles for OpenStreetMap data and more
A JavaScript library to make 3D maps with three.js.
翻译 - 一个JavaScript库,用于使用three.js制作3D地图。
The GeoDataViz Toolkit is a set of resources that will help you communicate your data effectively through the design of compelling visuals. In this repository we are sharing resources, assets and oth...