sunnypilot is an open source driver assistance system. sunnypilot offers the user a unique driving experience for over 290 supported car makes and models with modified behaviors of driving assist enga...
Open Source parts to replace broken or damaged pieces on your existing EON Dashcam DevKit from
A desktop app to help aid on-boarding and porting vehicles to openpilot for the masses.
ethereum wallet recovery password multithread tool, baked from pyethrecover and pyethereum, for using keystore v3 json file to help recover your lost password if you know some phrases using both brute...
replacement for backend and useradmin dashboard. comes bundled with a modified cabana instance for seamless drive reviewing.
LaukvikCSV is a powerful API for reading, writing and querying tabular data stored in the CSV format. In contrast to other API it lets you specify data types for each column using meta data. It automa...
Visual Studio Code extension - Toggle trailing symbols: commas, semicolons and colons.
OBDII Interface with Apache NiFi, MiniFi, Raspberry Pi, Comma.AI, Panda, SenseHat, GPS, Weather, Humidity, Temperature, Altitude
OX153: The Oxford 153 Entitlement: Mark I - a new, unique, non-free, and strongly proprietary software license
Javascript package for getting human readable strings
#自然语言处理#In this repository, we provide a joint neural model based on BERT and two BiLSTM neural networks, which can jointly recognize the Kasreh Ezafeh (Genitive Conjunction /e/) and Comma in a Persian senten...
Return a number as string with , or K. A simple and small integration