sunnypilot is an open source driver assistance system. sunnypilot offers the user a unique driving experience for over 290 supported car makes and models with modified behaviors of driving assist enga...
Custom component for Home Assistant that adds integration for Mazda Connected Services
ANOTHER openpilot fork running on legacy devices (EON / LEON / comma two)
crosstool-ng project that configures a toolchain for the Mazda Connect CMU
An upgrade to the Mazda RX-8's windshield wiper system that adds speed-sensitivity to the intermittent operation mode.
A handful of apps that run on the Mazda Connect infotainment using CASDK
A small project to read the blink codes from an 89-95 Mazda MX5 diagnostic port and display them as text on an LCD screen.
Collating my learned knowledge and creations for my 1979 Mazda RX-7.
DPF incicator Mazda based on ESP 32 Dev Kit with Elmduino
Mazda Connect modifications for web browser usage