sunnypilot is an open source driver assistance system. sunnypilot offers the user a unique driving experience for over 290 supported car makes and models with modified behaviors of driving assist enga...
Adds an audi connect integration to home assistant
ioBroker Adapter for VW We connect and Skoda connect
Arduino / ESP / RPi Pico library integrating the proprietary VAG Key-Word 1281 protocol (KWP1281/KW1281)
Figuring out how Audi RMC infotainment system is configurable by testing coding, adaptation and datasets
Home Assistant integration for (Min Volkswagen)
Prepares the Audi Autonomous Driving Dataset (A2D2) for ROS
GUI for the Bosch ME7.X checksum check and correction CL utilities
dumps contents of SGML Object File version 2 files .sgo files
Run Cartographer on the Audi Autonomous Driving Dataset (A2D2).
React app to configure Audi cars in a wink. Distinguish clearly the differences between colors and options
extract VW/Audi Simos 8.4 and Simos 8.5 compressed odx payloads to bin
Arduino library for displaying custom information on the monochrome display (FIS/DIS) located in the instrument cluster of VAG vehicles, via 3LB / TLB / TWB