Adafruit PWM Servo Driver Library
Arduino library to enable smooth servo movement.
#人脸识别#二自由度云台实现人脸追踪。 首先是使用一款名字叫做IP摄像头的APP 采集手机摄像头的图像,在手机上建立一个视频流服务器。在局域网下,PC通过IP还有端口号获取图像。使用OpenCV的人脸检测的API获取人脸在画面中的位置,根据人脸位置距离画面中心的x轴与y轴的偏移量(offset) ,通过P比例控制(PID控制中最简单的一种)控制二自由度云台上臂与下臂的旋转角度,将角度信息通过串口通信UART发...
A differential drive robot is controlled using ROS2 Humble running on a Raspberry Pi 4 (running Ubuntu server 22.04). The vehicle is equipped with a raspberry pi camera for visual feedback and an RPli...
This software is a devLib extension to wiringPi and enables it to control the Adafruit PCA9685 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver via I2C inte...
PCA9685 full function driver library for general MCU and Linux.
A 6 degree of freedom (DOF) robot arm is controlled using the ROS2 robotic manipulation platform, MoveIt 2. The ROS2 Humble version of MoveIt 2 is used, which runs in a Docker container on an Nvidia J...
This is to connect a LED-Lamp (with up to 16 channels and 4096 steps resolution per channel) to a mqtt server
ROS2 Controller for the Adafruit 16 channel PWM servo I²C board, hat and similar PCA9685 based boards, provides absolute proportional PWM control as well as supports geometry_msgs/Twist.
Control LEDs connected to a micro controller using pulse-width modulation.
基于 System.Device.Gpio 库编写的各种外围设备驱动程序