#人脸识别#二自由度云台实现人脸追踪。 首先是使用一款名字叫做IP摄像头的APP 采集手机摄像头的图像,在手机上建立一个视频流服务器。在局域网下,PC通过IP还有端口号获取图像。使用OpenCV的人脸检测的API获取人脸在画面中的位置,根据人脸位置距离画面中心的x轴与y轴的偏移量(offset) ,通过P比例控制(PID控制中最简单的一种)控制二自由度云台上臂与下臂的旋转角度,将角度信息通过串口通信UART发...
A simple and efficient MicroPython web server designed for Raspberry Pi Pico, ESP8266, ESP32, allowing seamless control of microcontroller projects via a web browser.
1ZLab在准备挑选合适的小车来研发计算机视觉的教程时候 , 发现习惯了Python语法的我们, 在市面上找不到合适小车, 后来我们选了ESP32作为小车的控制主板, 可以使用Python对其进行交互式编程, 极大的提升了开发效率.
Versatile and flexible Python State Machine library
A display library: implemented purely in Micropython. 纯 Micropython 实现的显示库
MicroPython driver for TEA5767 FM radio module on ESP8266/ESP32/Pico
Polyglot examples for the 01Space ESP32-C3FH4-RGB board
Animated 8x32 LED matrix display / smart clock with a microcontroller and (Micro)Python
Connecting ESP32 to W5500 using micropython
ESP32 Reference Files, PCB designs, Gerbers, code and projects using the ESP32 boards
Micropython driver for Texas Instruments INA226 power measuring IC
EEG decoding for an ultra low cost, real time BCI device based on the Espressif ESP32 running MicroPython.
Firebase implementation for Micropython optimized for ESP32
👽 An Among Us-themed infrared shooting gallery game built with ESP32 devices and a Node.js scoreboard
An implementation of rosserial for uPy.
MicroPython driver for the Inkplate 6
MicroPython ESP32 library for calibrated on-chip ADC conversion
Library for interacting through the SPI protocol with an 'Analog Devices ADXL345' accelerometer from an MCU flashed with MicroPython. Methods are optimised for trying to reach max available sampling r...